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    « Seeing Green | Main | Vote for Your Hot Chef »

    April 17, 2009


    Feed You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post.

    Jaime Lozano

    In this economy it's not that people have stopped going out - it's just that they spend money differently. What tips can you offer for increasing check averages?

    Devon Shields

    To stay afloat I've been looking to trim costs wherever possible - any advice or tricks of the trade for negotiating with my suppliers?

    Chris Vassil

    I'm tired of prix fixe and recession specials... I think that they're getting old. What are the most creative promotions you can think of that drive revenue?

    Ben Becker

    What do you envision the restaurant industry to look like in one year/five years/ten years?

    Lauren Mosley

    simply put... how do you remain on the cutting edge and stay profitable?

    Jen VanderVelde

    for Steve Dolinsky: In an era of yelp and blogging, how is the face of food journalism changing and is it for the better?

    Jenny Jones

    What's your #1 tip for customer service?

    Adam B.

    Do you see any cost benefits in sourcing local produce and eggs and other ingredients, and if so does is vary by season? Am I better off with a bigger supplier than if I do business with several local farms when it comes to cost?

    Eddie Galloway

    Everyone seems to be talking about social media these days(Twitter, Facebook, etc.). I get it, and I'm willing to start using them to promote my restaurant - but I need to know the best approach to social media. What tips can you give me? What should I avoid? Thanks.

    George Athens

    Would like to submit question for Keynote speaker at NRA.
    Sally Smith.
    Please break down your typical work week with a focus on the apportionment of your time to specific company tasks. I think that would provide an illustrative understanding of the ruts and pitfalls many pres/ceo's get themselves into that negatively impact productivity.

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